23 Jun

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great and creative June!

As ever, lots of exciting news to get through today so in this newsletter we're going to cover...

1) New SkillShare Class - Free Places Available

2) The BOOK HAS ARRIVED - It will be up on Etsy soon

3) Progress on SketchLoose courses

4) YouTube Lives and upcoming tutorials

So, we better just get started!

The New SkillShare Class is LIVE

This class is all about techniques to help with quick sketching, and consider how to simplify your processes to really get the essence of a scene.

It's about an hour long, and we do a couple of demonstrations alongside a load of other shorter tips and tricks lessons.
You can join for free HERE (50 places available). 

Or following this URL - https://skl.sh/3qXTPCL

My New BOOK has arrived - SAVE THIS LINK

OK, so it's arrived, I haven't unboxed it yet - but the box is very heavy so I assume all the books are there!

I'll be popping up the listing on Etsy HERE in the next week, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested. I'll be shipping most places in the world, but I only have 25 books in this printing run.

If you're in the UK I can sell it for slightly cheaper if you buy it from me directly (Etsy changes quite a significant fee!) - so when the listing is up feel free to email me and I'll give you more details.

All the money from the sales (excluding postage and packaging and taxes) is going to MIND - a mental health charity.


The alpha testing is thoroughly underway for 'Advancing Tone, Value and Colour' and the feedback so far has been amazing!

You can find out more HERE or join my current courses HERE

Remember, if you want to be a beta tester you just need to fill in THIS form or follow this URL - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdt4G0cKj45TVD6bsxMlGJtMVz9-zmMcJty0o0tW7_S_oYLhA/viewform

There has been masses of interest, and I'm only going to be (randomly) selecting a handful of people so I'm really sorry if you miss out.

The course will be launching in August though, for everyone!


And, excitingly, I wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be starting regular YouTube lives!

These will be on a mix on Sunday and Mondays, in the evening (between 1800-2100 UK time) - this is based on the most popular times and days that people voted for!

Expect slightly longer sketches, with a focus on answering people's questions and really experimenting and having fun.
In short, it will be more of me sketching in my natural environment - rather than trying to force every sketch to be a tutorial.

You can catch up on the streams so far HEREOr follow this URL - https://www.youtube.com/@TobySketchLoose/streams

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